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MountainPulse Himalayan Shilajit

MountainPulse Himalayan Shilajit

Regular price €24,99 EUR
Regular price €29,99 EUR Sale price €24,99 EUR
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- Schnelle Lieferung aus DE
- 100% echtes & reines Shilajit
- Laborgeprüft

Original Himalaya Shilajit Resin 

Was ist Shilajit? 
Shilajit ist eine natürliche Biomasse, die oberhalb von 3.000 m zu finden ist (Hauptsächlich im Altai & Himalaya-Gebirge). Hauptbestandteil sind über 84 Mineralien, Fulvin- und Huminsäure. Es ist nicht industriell herzustellen.

Shilajit Einnahme:
1-3 täglich 250mg (ca. die Größe eines Weizenkorns) in einem Glas mit lauwarmen Wasser (bis 39°C) auflösen. 

Achtung! Wer erstmals Shilajit einnimmt wird überrascht sein. Es sieht aus wie Teer und riecht etwas nach Ziegenstall. Wir empfehlen daher, es im Tee oder in Wasser versetzt mit etwas Honig zu trinken.

2 bis 4 Tage Lieferung Deutschland.
2 bis 4 Tage Lieferung Österreich.
3 bis 5 Tage Lieferung Schweiz.

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  • Hohe Bioverfügbarkeit

  • Über 85 Nährstoffe

  • Getestet auf Schwermetalle

  • Sicheres Produkt

  • Wildsammlung

  • >70% Fulvinsäure

  • 100% Natürlich

  • Geschützt im Violettglas

Wild collection from over 3,000 m altitude

A-Grade Shilajit

Shilajit is always a wild collection. Our Shilajit is harvested by experienced collectors at altitudes above 3,000 m. This means that our shiljait is free from any residues or pollutants.

From the Himalayas

Shilajit: The miracle of nature

This natural substance contains over 80 minerals and vitamins that are vital for humans. Mumijo/Shilajit has a high concentration of trace elements, including fulvic and humic acids, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, nickel, potassium, manganese, silicon, silver, sodium, sulphur, iodine, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B12, C, E and much more.


Frequently asked questions

What is Shilajit?

Shilajit is a biomass that is very rich in nutrients and minerals . It is "produced" by mountains. The organic mass flows in many mountain ranges around the world. It can be found at altitudes of at least 3,000 meters . It is very widespread in the Himalayas . Shilajit consists of humus (earth/topsoil) and organic plant materials. It is formed under high pressure under the rock layers of the mountains and melts from the mountains as soon as it gets warmer in summer. It is then collected there. Shilajit cannot be produced industrially.

What is Shilajit made of?

  • Over 84 types of minerals
  • Fulvic acid (main active ingredient)
  • Humic acid
  • Small peptides & amino acids

What does Shilajit taste like?

Especially for people who are taking Shilajit for the first time, the taste takes some getting used to. It tastes slightly smoky and smells relatively strong. We therefore recommend drinking Shilajit in a tea and with a generous spoonful of honey.

Are there any side effects?

Current studies and our thousands of satisfied customers show that there are no significant side effects. Anyone who suffers from iodine intolerance should not consume Shilajit.

Shilajit should not be taken in case of gout, iron overload, pregnancy or in combination with blood-thinning medications.

However, we would like to point out that any dietary supplement, including Shilajit, can have potential side effects. For this reason, we recommend not exceeding the recommended consumption.

Customer Reviews

Based on 209 reviews
Langes Warten

Vielleicht hat das lange Warten bald ein Ende und Shilajit landet endlich in meinem Postfach.

Maurice Müller
Beste Qualität

Fühle mich gut. Danke

T. H.
Sehr zufrieden mit dem Shilajit

Alles top

Very good Shilajit

The consistency is very firm, unlike other manufacturers. I notice the most with this product that it works.

Michael Hug

I am pleasantly surprised.